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Online Donations to Free Bookmobile Now Handled through Google Checkout
Written by admin, November 16th, 2011   

In a long overdue upgrade, our website’s tax-deductible donation processing is now being handled by Google Checkout software rather than PayPal.  While PayPal is certainly a well-known brand, we had technical problems with their standard button script: it required particular web browser cookie settings to function properly, and the donation button did not even appear on some Mac platform browsers.  Their support team was friendly but unable to offer improvements.  So we have made a move to Google Checkout, which appears to be running smoothly.  Donors must have a Google account to use it but can easily create one while donating if necessary.

While investigating the options, we discovered that Google also offers free “AdWords” search-engine advertising and other cool tools for select non-profits through their Google Grants program, to which we plan to apply.  Please let us know if you have any trouble using this service to invest in our important work!  And thank you for your continued support.

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